Special Education

The St. Joseph County ISD currently provides services to approximately 1,300 throughout nine local school districts, as well as eligible private/parochial schools with students who qualify to receive special education services.

Our special education services include: Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, School Social Worker Services, Teacher Consultants for the Visually Impaired and Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Orientation and Mobility (O & M), translators, Braillists, Special Education Supervisors, Teacher Consultant Diagnostic, School Psychologists, and comprehensive evaluations. 

ISD Plan for Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services 

If you are interested in learning more about the St. Joseph County ISD special education services and programs offered, please contact one of the following:

Early Childhood/K-12 Special Education Supervisor
Jennifer Leosh-Stahl
Special Education Monitor for Accountability & Program Improvement
Executive Director of Special Education
Special Education Executive Assistant
K-12 Special Education Supervisor (Burr Oak, Colon, Nottawa, & Sturgis)
Special Education Principal (Pathfinder)

Resources for Families

If you are unable to access the documents above please contact:

St. Joseph County ISD
Special Education Executive Assistant