Great Start Readiness Program

The Great Start Readiness Program is the state's preschool program for 4 year old children. We offer this throughout St. Joseph County partnering with local school districts and community partners. This is high quality preschool following the school year schedule.

Families need to apply online at Help Me Grow St. Joe. This is a no cost or low cost preschool option for your child! If you have questions, call us at 269-467-5400 or email us at  

Kids grow when they attend preschool: Child Assessment data shows the differences from fall 2023 to spring 2024

A bar chart titled 'COR Advantage Growth 2023-2024' compares scores across different domains from Fall to Spring. The domains and their respective scores are as follows:  Approaches to Learning: Fall 3.02, Spring 4.5 Social and Emotional Development: Fall 2.93, Spring 4.47 Physical Development and Health: Fall 3.46, Spring 5.12 Language, Literacy, and Communication: Fall 2.8, Spring 4.31 Mathematics: Fall 3, Spring 4.61 Creative Arts: Fall 3, Spring 4.58 Science and Technology: Fall 2.86, Spring 4.75 Social Studies: Fall 2.92, Spring 4.87 All domains show significant improvement from Fall to Spring