Health Science I

Guiding students to discover their passion to become the next generation of healthcare professionals

Embark on a journey into the world of healthcare with our CTE Health Science I program. This introductory class is an ideal starting point for individuals interested in science and the intricacies of the human body. Students will explore fundamentals essential to becoming a healthcare professional, including topics such as:CTE Health Science program logo

  • medical terminology
  • anatomy and physiology
  • vital signs
  • safety precautions
  • legal and ethical considerations
  • nutrition
  • infection control 
  • disease prevention
  • and much more!

Our comprehensive approach offers students a well-rounded understanding of healthcare, creating enthusiasm for future career paths, allowing for exploration of specific areas of interest, and developing essential skills. The classroom setting promotes collaboration and support through interactive team activities, creating an encouraging environment and boosting self-confidence. Students engage in hands-on learning that replicates real-life scenarios found in doctor's offices, hospitals, and similar healthcare settings. 

This class equips students with valuable skills even if they do not pursue a career in the health industry!


  • Centreville High School


Andreya Beligaño

Lab/Clinical Manager:

  • Monica Bullock

Student Organization:

  • HOSA

Certifications Possible:

  • CPR/First Aid
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (seniors only)

Who this class is for:

Students enthusiastic about exploring the broad range of healthcare careers and ready to commit time and effort while demonstrating resilience and passion. This class offers the ideal chance to quench your curiosity, surrounded by the necessary support to make informed decisions regarding your career path.

“Everyone thinks healthcare is just nurses and doctors but it’s so much more! There are so many levels of the medical field to explore. What a great way to introduce yourself to the wide arena of medicine.”